Between sips of champagne, "Papermag" talked food, celebs, and the good old clubbing days of '80s-era New York with Debi Mazar:
Debi Mazar: I remember when "PAPER" was a big piece of paper.
Kathleen Squires: They used to give it out in "Danceteria"!
Yes, I was working the elevator in "Danceteria" back then, and that's where I met Madonna. She came into my elevator, and she said: "Wanna dance?"
KS: Is it true that they used to pump "laughing gas" into "Danceteria"? That was the rumor of the time.
No, that wasn't true. Everyone was just drunk and on drugs in those days.
I was just working the fucking elevator.
I met a lot of great people there, and one of them was Madonna.
She was a Midwestern kid, straight off the boat from Michigan, and she was hanging around the music area of 37th Street and trying to get her record out there.
We started hanging out from that night on, and I started doing her makeup.
I was also doing makeup for "PAPER" and "Details" in those days.
My acting thing didn't come until a little bit later, because I was mostly doing makeup in the theater, standing behind the stage like "All About Eve."
I knew the lines better than everybody else:
I would go onstage when everybody left, in the dark, and pretend that I was some opera star or some fabulous maven of the theater and say my lines to nobody.
I realized then that I was not happy, so I started studying acting.
KS: You both have a great chemistry and are so relatable to viewers. I suspect that you're not the norm in Hollywood...
We are not the norm in Hollywood.
I feel like, whenever I go to these big homes of these gazillionaire people, they always have these incredible kitchens that largely go unused, or their staff are working there, and they don't know where anything is.
Like I would go into Madonna's kitchen and say:
"Can I borrow this spaghetti pot, because I'm having a party?"
And Madonna would be like:
"Yeah sure", like she didn't even know it was there.
She's actually interested in food, but she doesn't have time to cook...
source: papermag
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