In the early 1990s, Madonna was preparing to do her infamous "Sex" book, and wanted to be inspired by the copious porn achievements of blonde vixen Traci Lords.
The problem is that Traci had been underage when she did the porn, and when that fact emerged, every stitch of it was removed from the market as if it were tainted Tylenols.
The superstar singer's manager called around and got ahold of Lonn Friend, who worked for Hustler - and who has a new memoir called "Sweet Demotion: How An Almost Famous Rock Journalist Lost Everything And Found Himself (Almost)".
Lonn happened to have access to the stuff, sent it over, and it obviously did the trick, as it were.Madonna ended up sending him a copy of the "Sex" book with a personal thank you note.
source: daily musto
I just love how effortlessly Madonna flirts with controversy...it's almost natural to her, while horrid Gaga always cames across as contrived and try to hard-ish...