Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Fantastic Madonna 'Flesh & Fantasy' Outtake!

From Rolling Stone Magazine Shoot!! Luv This!! I want more!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Madonna's 'MDNA' Tour Makes Billboard Boxscore's All-Time Top 10!

By Ray Waddell, Nashville

The final numbers are in, and Madonna's 2012 "MDNA" tour has retained her box office form, clocking in at $305,158,363 gross with 2,212,345 in attendance over 88 shows, according to Billboard Boxscore. The tour began in Israel last May 31 and finished in Argentina on Dec. 22, hitting Europe, Asia and North America in between.

The "MDNA" final box office tally is enough to rank "MDNA" No. 10 all-time in tours as reported to Boxscore, sandwiched between the Rolling Stones' "Licks" tour of 2002-2003 ($311 million) and the Stones' "Bridges To Babylon" tour of 1997-98 ($274 million).

This is Madonna's second time in the Boxscore Top 10; the "Sticky & Sweet" tour of 2008-09 was third all-time at $408 million, the highest ever for a solo artist. Her 2006 "Confessions" tour came in at $194 million. All of these tours, including "MDNA," were produced by Live Nation's Global Touring division, headed by LNGT chairman Arthur Fogel, who offhandedly predicted to Billboard back in April that MDNA would end up a Boxscore Top 10 tour.

Had "MDNA" played Australian stadiums, as was initially considered, the tour would have moved up a few notches up the all-time list. As it stood and as it stands, "MDNA" was the highest-grossing tour for 2012 according to Boxscore, making it Madonna's third time closing a year at the top of the box office heap, the others being 2009 and 2004. Madonna joined the Rolling Stones, the Grateful Dead and Bon Jovi as the only acts to be Billboard's highest-grossing tour twice in a three-year span, and "MDNA" gives Fogel and Live Nation their sixth top tour over the past 10 years.

"MDNA" highlights were many, with the run through South America being notably successful. The five highest Boxscores on the tour were:

- Estadio Atanasio Gerardo in Medellin, Colombia, Nov. 28-29 ($14.7 million gross, 90,018 attendance)
- Yankee Stadium in New York Sept. 6 and 8($12.6 million, 79,775)
- Foro Sol in Mexico City Nov. 24-25 ($11.6 million,84,382)
- Estadio Rive Plate in Buenos Aires ($10.8 million, 89,226)
- Estadio do Morumbi in Sao Paulo Dec. 4-5 ($8.4 million, 85,255)

In North America, "MDNA" did best -- not counting Yankee Stadium -- at:

- Plains of Abraham in Quebec Sept. 1 ($8 million, 70,569)
- Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Sept. 12-13 ($7.5 million, 32,557)
- The MGM Grand in Las Vegas, Oct. 13-14 ($7.2 million, 24,991)
- The Staples Center in Los Angeles Oct. 10-11 ($6.2 million, 29,015).

"MDNA" is the second tour under a 10-year multi-rights deal between Madonna and Live Nation, signed in 2007. "MDNA" is Madonna's fifth tour with Fogel's team, a run that marks the Material Girl's ascent into the elite ranks of touring artists and inarguably makes her the top touring female artist of all time.

"It seems like I have said this a number of times following Madonna tours -- five times to be precise: the overwhelming global success of the 'MDNA' tour proves yet again that Madonna is the greatest female touring artist," Fogel told Billboard as the tour came to a close. "As this tour takes its place as one of the most successful in history, I can't help but enjoy the fact that it is the millions of fans who determine that. Thank you to [Madonna manager] Guy Oseary and the entire staff and crew of 'MDNA.' "

Read more at http://www.billboard.biz/bbbiz/industry/touring/madonna-s-mdna-tour-makes-boxscore-s-all-1008115942.story#2p6bJLMJTJIPFH3I.99

Madonna Explains How Her Fitness DVD Came To Life!

Last week, we announced that Madonna released a fitness DVD called Addicted To Sweat with her personal trainer Nicole Winhoffer, and because this moment in her life is super exciting, the singer shared how her workout videos came about!
In a recent interview, Miz Winhoffer opened up about when Her Madgesty debuted her first gym in Mexico, and how the gym led to her DVD series, she said:
“In 2010 Madonna opened her first gym in Mexico City, and the idea for the opening was to teach a cardio class. She thought that would be a great idea, so we taught a class and the members loved it. She led the class and I was next to her. I always document the programs I do with her, and we went through my diary and she chose one of the programs to turn into the DVD, which she named Addicted to Sweat.
Fitness is so important to her because she’s one to empower people. She is an example — not just as a pop icon, but an example as a businesswoman, an entrepreneur, a woman that's in shape. The only way she is able to get through her day and schedule all her meetings and to be there for her children is to have a fit body. She makes time in her schedule for the workout. It gets her mind and body to connect. She always wants to be the best and everyone around her to be the best. Her fitness is the key. She’s the perfect example to share her workout with people around the world.”
And boy has she SHARED her bod workout with the world! LOLz
Luckily for us, we can look or aspire to look like Madonna for only $49.95 or less.

Tks. Perezhilton

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Madonna's Girl Gone Wild Perfection!

Everything! My Favorite Song and Video From MDNA!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Monday, January 14, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Sharon Osbourne's Open Letter to Lady Gaga in Defense Of Her Daughter, Madonna, Rihanna and Others!

Ms. Gaga,
I am responding to your open letter to my daughter Kelly, and I am perplexed as to why you would go public with an open letter. Regarding this current situation; Kelly didn’t contact you, I was the one that contacted your manager today and the email is attached below for your reference. I reached out to him as Kelly’s manager and mother to ask him if you could address your “little monster” fans and stop them from writing libelous, slanderous and vile comments about my family, including death threats to Kelly. Your open letter is hypocritical and full of contradictions. And as your mother Cynthia supports you, I support my daughter Kelly. I must say your opinions on what is politically correct and acceptable totally differ from mine, but that is what makes the world so interesting…we are all different. How sweet that you have empathy for my daughter, as you feel that she has taken a less passionate path in life. You say her work on E! with the Fashion Police is “rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people’s beauty against one another.” Welcome to the real world. Example, when I saw you wear a dress made out of raw meat, I was sickened. When I see you wearing fur, and using it as a fashion statement, the fact that defenseless animals have been killed so you can get your picture in the press is abhorrent to me. Shouldn’t you be teaching your “little monster” fans to respect animals and life? I don’t feel I have to justify Kelly’s choices in life to you. By your actions to Kelly right now, you have shown me that you are nothing more than a publicly seeking hypocrite and an attention seeker. You know it would have been much more dignified of you to do this privately. I am calling you a bully because you have 32 million followers hanging on your every word and you are criticizing Kelly in your open letter. Are you so desperate that you needed to make this public?
You state “Everyday, through my music and public voice I choose to be positive and work towards a kinder and braver world with our community of followers.” Well this obviously is not translating well to your fans, as a large portion of them have not only been vile to Kelly, but also other celebrities such as Madonna, Adele and Rihanna. “You say a kinder, braver world” I don’t know what world you live in, but supporting disgraceful fan comments doesn’t fall under the words “kinder and braver.” It comes under the heading of bullshit.
In closing, stop wearing fur, stop looking for publicity, and stop using your fans to belittle not just Kelly but an endless stream of celebrities. A word from you would stop all the hideous, negative and vile threats from your “little monsters.” Let me know if you want to continue this debate. I’m an open playing field for you my darling.
Sharon Osbourne
3:39 pm
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2013 1:09 PM
To: SharonCc:
Subject: Re: Kelly Osbourne
I’m on it Sent from my iPhone
On Jan 10, 2013, at 3:03 PM, Sharon
@MissKellyO LITTLE MONSTER ARTPOP : Kelly Osbourne needs to kill herselfhttp://littlemonsterartpop.blogspot.com/2013/01/kelly-osbourne-needs-to-kill-herself.html?spref=tw …
I thought that Gaga was a main campaigner against bullying.
Vince, I’m leaving it in your hands to do the right thing here. One tweet from Gaga can change this whole situation. I’m not asking her to deal with this directly but she if she could tweet something to her fans about being more respectful that may end this. I’m sure she doesn’t condone her fans saying such hideously offensive things.
Wishing you and your family the best in 2013.
All the best,»

— Sharon Osbourne’s Facebook (Finally someone has spoke the truth)

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lady Gaga Should Copy Madonna's Style More, Says Christopher Ciccone! "Gaga Made A Huge Mistake"!

Lady Gaga has been accused of “borrowing" a lot from Madonna. However, former artistic director Christopher Ciccone -- the Material Girl's brother -- says Gaga made a huge mistake not following his sister’s style.
“You have to remember what really made Madonna really popular is that girls could dress like her. You can’t dress like Gaga, only on Halloween perhaps. It's a really big part of being a performer -- getting your fans to follow you. You have to evolve. At one point with Madonna, it was time for the tights to go,” Christopher tells The Huffington Post. “What I would do with Gaga is stream it all down and get rid of all the crap and make her a real person. It's cool on some level, but when you start out massively way over the top, there is nowhere to go. You get stuck there and you disconnect from the audience. You become this freak on the stage.”

Monday, January 7, 2013

Friday, January 4, 2013

Valentino Gets In Trouble For Blasting Madonna Too Loud at His Swiss Chalet'


Valentino may be an octogenarian, but he still knows how to party.

According to Page Six, Valentino got in trouble with the Gstaad police after several neighbors complained he was blasting Madonna too loud at his chalet. Was he just blasting Madonna tracks? Maybe the Immaculate Collection (“Holiday” obviously, but also “La Isla Bonita” perhaps)? Or was it actually Madonna herself, because she was reportedly there too, along with daughter Lourdes and Anne Hathaway. Ah, #richpeopleproblems.

Valentino, clearly, did not comment on this report. We’ve reached out to Valentino’s reps as well but don’t expect to hear anything. Still, we kind of hope this is true because now we have a model for what to aspire to be like at 80.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


BookFinder compiled one of the most interesting lists in the book business – the top 100 most searched for out-of-print books in the United States. Sadly, books fall out-of-print when publishers decide that there isn’t enough demand. That’s when the used book market becomes important for ensuring that these hard-to-find titles can still be found and bought.

The most recent list is diverse. Madonna’s famous Sex (one of the book’s few images that we could publish is seen left) is top of the list as always and Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini – dubbed the world’s weirdest book – is also in the top 10. There’s also a cookbook from actor and fine food connoisseur Vincent Price.

There are many famous authors on the list, including Stephen King (twice), Nora Roberts, Ray Bradbury, Barbara Cartland, Carl Sagan, C.S. Lewis and Madeleine L’Engle. There are also books from major artists like Salvador Dali and Cecil Beaton, and the autobiography of musician Johnny Cash.

A small number of these books are so scarce now that even AbeBooks booksellers do not have copies. In some cases, only a handful of copies are now available which means prices have become high.

Top 100 Most Searched for Out-of-Print Books

1. Sex
by Madonna

2. Rage
by Stephen King/Richard Bachman

3. Promise Me Tomorrow
by Nora Roberts

4. My Pretty Pony
by Stephen King

5. Pure, White & Deadly; The Problem of Sugar
by John Yudkin

6. Mandingo
by Kyle Onstott

7. Man in Black
by Johnny Cash

8. Codex Seraphinianus
by Luigi Serafini

9. 365 Bedtime Stories
by Nan Gilbert

10. Tudor Roses
by Alice Starmore

source: abebooks.com