Thursday, March 31, 2011

26 Years Of Madonna & Jean-Paul Gaultier.

With a new collaboration popping up every day, few designer-celebrity partnerships withstand the test of time. An exception to the rule is Jean Paul Gaultier, who, with a traveling exhibit and corresponding tome, reveals a lifelong liaison between style and pop culture. Did you know that the designer catapulted to fame in the late ’70s with a collection inspired by Grease? Exhibit curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot tells "PEOPLE" that Gaultier pulls inspiration from television, film, music and yes, real people. It’s this very aesthetic that upset fashion traditionalists so many years ago. “He destroys the notion of elegance. It’s street fashion that I see all the time outside the windows of my atelier,” designer Claude Montana lamented to "PEOPLE" in 1985. A year later, Madonna first wore Gaultier’s designs to the premiere of "Desperately Seeking Susan", and a legendary partnership was born. The duo went on to collaborate on costumes for the pop sensation’s "Blonde Ambition Tour" in 1990, the "Confessions Tour" in 2006, and countless other occasions. Footage from the 1985 film premiere foreshadows their mutual success. A reporter asks, “What do you think of the way Madonna is dressed tonight?” The crowd roars with overwhelming approval.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Nicki Minaj Wants Madonna To Appear In Her New Video!

Nicki Minaj has asked a number of high-profile female stars to appear in her new music video. The ‘Moment 4 Life’ rapper, who mentions a total of 16 female celebrities in her new single ‘Girls Fall Like Dominoes’, revealed that she wants them all to appear in the video. “There’s every chance the big names will oblige. Everyone loves Nicki. It’s already causing a stir in various camps,” a source told The Sun. Minaj tweeted her plans to organize cameos earlier in the week, writing: “Two questions: How many divas did I name in Girls Fall Like Dominoes’ and who should make a cameo in the video?” Stars the rapper mentions include Mariah Carey, Madonna, Angelina Jolie, BeyoncĂ© and Rihanna amongst others. Minaj recently revealed that she has submitted a verse to be included on Lil Wayne’s upcoming album. She has also recorded a collaboration with David Guetta and Flo Rida, which is thought to be released soon. Source:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011

M Taking Legal Action Against Ex Executive Director Of School

Madonna and her Raising Malawi charity are considering legal action after the foundation they set up to build a school for impoverished girls dramatically collapsed despite millions having been poured into it. The superstar’s plan to build a $15 million school for 400 girls in the African nation has been abandoned after the organization plowed $3.8 million into architects, design and salaries but never broke ground. Raising Malawi Executive Director Philippe van den Bossche left in October and has been criticized in a report provided by the Kabbalah Center that read: “Philippe’s level of mismanagement and lack of oversight was extreme . . . and the lack of success of the players on the ground is in large part a result of his inability to effectively manage project plans, people and finances.” Auditors reportedly found outlandish sums spent on salaries, office space, a golf-club membership, housing and a car and driver. In a statement to Page Six, a rep for Madonna confirmed, “Raising Malawi is examining its legal options.” Madonna, who lent $11 million to the organization she founded with the Kabbalah Center’s Michael Berg, is said to be furious about the school’s failure. Her pals, including Gwyneth Paltrow and Alex Rodriguez, are said to be among the project’s donors. Madonna has had a difficult relationship with van den Bossche. We reported in 2009 that she fired her trainer, Tracy Anderson, after she became romantically involved with him. Van den Bossche moved to New York to be with Anderson, leaving Madonna furious that it could distract him from his work with the foundation. Anderson and van den Bossche broke up more than a year ago. Van den Bossche didn’t respond to e-mails, and his cellphone was disconnected. He earlier said he was bound by confidentiality agreements. Source:

M By Herb Ritts

Rain single shoot and Interview Magazine shoot outtake.

Madonna's Louis Vuitton High Heels for Sale.

In an effort to help offset the cost of the most expensive disaster in history, a dedicated group of New Yorkers braved the elements last night to show their support for Japan at a fundraiser co-hosted by Martha Stewart and Wynton Marsalis.

At Reika Yo Alexander’s "En Japanese" Brasserie, guests including Hilary Swank, Zac Posen , and Waris Ahluwalia checked their winter wear at the door and headed to check out the silent auction items.Art made up a big part of the evening’s offerings: photographs and paintings by the likes of François Nars, Julian Schnabel, Laurie Simmons, and Terence Koh decorated one wall. That last was mulling an acquisition as well as a donation. "If I get to leave here with one thing", Koh said, "it would be the Yoko Ono piece".

But with a fashion-heavy crowd like this, no surprise that the item attracting the most attention was a pair of gold Louis Vuitton heels. They came with a little something extra: the signature of their original owner, Madonna. "I thought about taking the Madonna shoes, cutting them in half, and displaying them Damien Hirst-style", Michael Stipe mused. And while we can’t imagine that she and the Material Girl have quite the same taste in chic, even Stewart was eyeing the pair.

"Madonna’s shoes, of course", she told "" about the item she most coveted. "But they are a little too small for me".

Madonna On Elizabeth Taylor's Death.

In the wake of Elizabeth Taylor's Wednesday passing, celebrities are sharing their memories of the 79-year-old screen legend on "Twitter" and with "".

"I am so sorry to hear that this great legend has passed," Madonna, 52, tells "Us" exclusively. "I admired and respected her not only as an actress, but for her amazing and inspiring work as an AIDS activist. She was one of a kind."

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Virgin Tour Book Selected Pics 1985.

Shot by the Amazing Herb Ritts, these are my favorite shots form The 85 tour book.
Beautiful, sexy simply amazing.

Monday, March 21, 2011

That's Right!

Justify My Love Single Shoot Unused Pics.

Out Magazine Unreleased Pic.

Love her just lying there, so pretty.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Liz Smith On W.E, She Loved It!

MADONNA is just about done editing her film, “W.E.” The star wrote and directed this tale of a modern young woman (Abbie Cornish) who is fascinated by the historic “fairytale” romance of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Frustratingly, I cannot say too much about the film. But I do feel safe in saying that Madonna is going to surprise just about everybody with her finesse here. “W.E.” is lush, compelling, romantic, funny and tragic. The pop icon is one hell of a director. But that’s no surprise to me.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Inside Neil Strauss's New Book:A Chat With Madonna.

W Magazine just published the first part of an interview with Madonna by rock journalist and author, Neil Strauss, coming from his book “Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead: Journeys Into Fame and Madness “.The interview takes place in a private plane, during her Confessions on a Dancefloor era, in 2005…

He has been held hostage by Courtney Love, made Lady Gaga cry, gone to church with Tom Cruise, hot tubbing with Marilyn Manson, bought diapers with Snoop Dogg, and he’s a world-renowned PUA to boot (Pickup Artist for the uninitiated). Neil Strauss, rock journalist extraordinaire and author of titles like The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band (Motley Crue), How to Make Love Like A Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale (with Jenna Jameson) and The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists, is releasing his newest title on March 15: Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead: Journeys Into Fame and Madness. Strauss extracts the most wild, revealing, unbelievable, and previously unpublished moments from the “three-thousand-something” articles he has written over the past two decades. “You can tell a lot about a person or a situation in a minute,” he writes. “But only if you choose the right minute. Here are 277 of them.”

Here’s an exclusive peek at just one of those moments. Strauss is interviewing Madonna in late 2005 when the conversation quickly turns to Morphine, Vicodin, and God:

We know her as Madonna. But her staff refers to her simply as M. And M was sitting in a private plane, which had just taken off from a Royal Air Force base south of London. She was en route to Frankfurt, Germany, where a helicopter was waiting to fly her to a television performance in Mannheim. For sustenance, M, her manager Angela, and her stylist Shavawn were all carrying bags of popcorn.

Neil Strauss: When’s the last time you were in a helicopter?
Madonna: I went in a cheap helicopter the day after I fell off my horse. I was on morphine, so I couldn’t tell what kind of danger I was in. But because it was my birthday, I was like, “I’m going to Paris. I don’t care if I’m injured.” It wasn’t until the morphine wore off the next day—I only did it for twenty-four hours, don’t get excited—that I realized how scary the helicopter was.

Neil Strauss: How was the morphine?
Madonna: It was pretty good. I’m a lot of fun on morphine. At least, I think I am. But I’m not fun on Vicodin.Angela: Okay, do you know the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? I’ve never seen a transformation like that in my entire life.

Madonna: I only tried Vicodin once. I was in a lot of pain, and nothing killed the pain. Not even morphine, to tell you the truth. And everyone kept telling me to try Vicodin, but they kept saying, “Be careful. It’s so amazing. But if you take it for more than ten days, you’re going to get addicted to it.” So I called five people to get advice before I took it, and they all told me I was going to love it. Whatever. So I took it.Shavawn: She went on a walk with me, and it was really scary.
Madonna: Drugs have a weird effect on me. They do the opposite with me. I just chewed the entire inside of my mouth. I bitched at everybody. And I was in more pain. It was terrible: the worst experience of my life.

Neil Strauss: At least you didn’t get addicted.
Madonna: I’m happy to say that none of my pharmaceuticals—and I’ve had a plethora of them given to me—have influenced me.

Neil Strauss: I don’t like pills anyway. It’s a control thing.
Madonna: I just like the idea of pills. I like to collect them but not actually take them—just in case. Then I fell off my horse, I got tons of stuff: Demerol and Vicodin and Xanax and Valium and OxyContin, which is supposed to be like heroin. And I’m really quite scared to take them. I’m a control freak too. And any time I’ve taken anything in my life, as soon as I take it, I’m like, “Okay, I want it out of my body.” I just start guzzling water. I want to flush it out, fast.

Neil Strauss: Do you ever think about—
Madonna: Do I think about dying? Is that what you were thinking about asking?

Neil Strauss: No, but that’s a better question than what I was going to ask.
Madonna: Real death is disconnecting, but the death where your physical body is no longer functioning, that’s not real death.

Neil Strauss: What is it then?
Madonna: Death is when you disconnect from God—or when you disconnect from the universe, because God is the universe. I think anyone who’s disconnected is living in a serious hell. They can medicate themselves or live in serious denial to convince themselves they’re not in hell, but sooner or later it’s going to catch up to you.

[Continued . . .]

Out Magazine 2011.

Corman says:
"She was like the Pied Piper of the neighborhood - [the kids] loved her. They followed her, they danced with her, they sang with her. It was something they did on a daily basis, and it was remarkable. We just walked up and they gathered around. She put the boom box on -- it was her music, though I don’t remember which song - and they just started dancing and singing. She was so alive and unpretentious. She was fierce, determined. Nothing was going to stop her."

Saturday, March 12, 2011

"Across The Sky" Promo Video - Fanmade.

Nice! recently have really gotten into this unreleased Gem from the Hard Candy album.

Friday, March 11, 2011

"Promise To Try" On "Every Mother Counts" Documentary

Madonna - "Promise To Try" Included On "Every Mother Counts" Documentary

"Starbucks" will release a companion CD to Christy Turlington Burns' documentary "Every Mother Counts" that will include Madonna's song "Promise to Try" from her "Like a Prayer" album.

The "Every Mother Counts" CD will be released April 12. Starbucks will donate $8 from the sale of each CD between April 12 and May 9 to CARE for its maternal health programs in coffee growing countries.

The "Oprah Winfrey Network", "OWN", will broadcast the film on May 7.Turlington Burns founded the organization "Every Mother Counts" last year and has screened her film at health conferences and film festivals in the U.S., the U.K., Canada, India, Guatemala, Poland and Zanzibar.

The film follows expecting mothers in four countries - Tanzania, Bangladesh, Guatemala and the Unites States - as they face obstacles to receiving healthcare.

Madonna's Grandmother Has Passed.

Madonna Will Not Be Issuing Any Statements Regarding Her Grandmother

BAY CITY — Liz Rosenberg, longtime publicist for Madonna, said the pop singer will not issue any statement in regards to the recent death of her maternal grandmother Elsie Mae Fortin.Fortin, 99, died Wednesday at her Bay City home.

In an e-mail to the "Times", Rosenberg wrote, "I'm sorry, but Madonna will not be issuing any statements or conversing with the media regarding her grandmother. It is totally a personal matter to her.

"Rosenberg did not confirm if Madonna is attending the funeral.Fortin was surrounded by friends and family when she died in her home at 404 North Dean St. Fortin was reportedly very close with her famous and Bay City-born granddaughter, having partially raised her since her mother's death in 1963.

Social media feeds, along with several fan blogs, buzzed with news of Fortin's death.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kissing Madonna Was...Cool!

Oops, any similarities!??

Watch the crosses...and the atmosphere itsself.

BTW: Madonna's picture is from "Interview" Magazine, May 2010 issue.

Here's an excerpt from "Out" Magazine's interview with Britney Spears in the April 2011 issue:

When you were starting out, whose career did you want to mold yours after?Madonna.

No question. She is an amazing entertainer.Kissing Madonna was...Cool.

source: outmagazine

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Say Cheese..

M and Wesly Snipes at his Birthday party.94

M In The Guardian's 100 Most Inspiring Women.

Gym bunny, earth mother, lady of the manor, material girl and scourge of the Catholic church; if one of Madonna's reinventions doesn't inspire you, there are plenty more. But while her multiple faces might seem calculating one thing she has never tried to tinker with is her own strength.

No matter the decade or the fashion, she has always been frank about her toughness and ambition. People may sneer at her muscular arms, but they miss the point – Madonna is about power. She is still one of the most famous women on the planet, despite nearly 30 years in a notoriously fickle business, and compared with her contemporaries – Michael Jackson and Prince – has remained in the spotlight largely on her own terms.

She inspires not because she gives other women a helping hand, but because she breaks the boundaries of what's considered acceptable for women – talking openly about her desires, refusing to pretend to be gentle, taking younger lovers, allowing her physical strength to be seen, still presenting herself as sexual at 52. The outrage, derision and "how dare she" comments that follow her every move are testament to the fact that the more she changes the more she stays the same.

Monday, March 7, 2011


1979 shots by Micheal Mcdonald

Madonna On Cover Of "Out" Magazine's Ladies We Love Issue

Out's first-ever Ladies We Love issue starring Britney Spears and Madonna

For the first time in Out's history, we're dedicating our entire April issue to the women who inspire, scandalize, educate, and excite us -- in a different way than they excite the other boys. And we're celebrating the landmark moment with another first for us -- two different covers. One will feature the indelible Britney Spears shot exclusively for Out by Ruven Afanador and the other will feature never-seen-before photos of Madonna shot by photographer Richard Corman in 1982 just months before her career skyrocketed. Enjoy the sneak peek of one of the photos from Britney's revealing cover story and come back to on Wednesday, March 9 to read our intimate interview with Britney and see all the photos from the shoot. On March 14 will feature our exclusive Madonna photos and begin to roll out the other Ladies We Love featured in the issue.Out's April 2011 issue featuring Madonna and Britney Spears on dual covers will be on newsstands on March 29, the same day that Spears's new album, Femme Fatale hits stores and iTunes.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

William Orbit: "Madonna's W.E. Is Oscar Worthy"!

Critics may be sharpening their pens in anticipation of MADONNA’s directorial debut W.E. but I have good news for all you Material Girl fans.

The film, a biopic about King Edward VIII’s relationship with Wallis Simpson, features music by her Ray of Light collaborator WILLIAM ORBIT, who says it will be a massive HIT!

“I’ve watched the film several times and it’s really good. It’s definitely Oscar-worthy and I’m not just saying that,” he tells me.

The Mirror

Friday, March 4, 2011

Bravo Germany 1985

Madonna and Rosanna by Herb Ritts

Thanks to OnTheCoverOfAMagazine

Thursday, March 3, 2011

All I Know Is At Age 52 She's More Beautiful Than She Was At 25!

All I Know Is At Age 52, She’s More Beautiful Than She Was At 25Liz Smith Talks

MadonnaMADONNA DID not attend the 83rd Academy Awards ceremony last Sunday. She has never been nominated for an Oscar, but she did win a "Golden Globe" for “Evita” and performed twice, memorably, on the Oscar telecast itself.

However, as usual, Madonna did appear at the "Vanity Fair" after-party. Sometimes she lingers, sometimes she just goes to be photographed and lure VF partygoers to her own soiree. The latter was the case this year.Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone showed up at the "Sunset Towers" hand in hand with her tall, beautiful 14-year-old daughter, Lourdes. The younger Ciccone wore an adorable miniskirt. She has great legs. Mama Ciccone was got up in what resembled a semi-transparent negligee with a faux-fur chubby (as we called them back in 1940’s) thrown over her shoulders. Mama has great legs, too. The gown was iffy — though I’m sure it was couture and cost a fortune. Still, I would have enjoyed seeing Madonna strut her peek-a-boo nightie across the Kodak Theater stage.

Why not? Most everybody else was playing it so safe. (Except for Cate Blanchett.)I will say that from the neck up, Madonna looked gorgeous. Everybody talks about the “work” she’s had. Maybe. All I know is at age 52, she’s more beautiful than she was at 25. And now that she is not touring, she’s put on a couple of flattering pounds.

The icon is still busily editing her film “W.E.,” which presents a new and intriguing look at the legend and influence of Duchess of Windsor. I can tell you that they loved what they saw of it in Berlin recently.Madonna is an inventive, inspired director.

source: wowowow

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The Fashion Police Loved Madonna.

Joan Rivers, Kelly O and the gang adored her!!

Sorry low quality.